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5 sustainable ideas to celebrate love

Nae Vegan Shoes

For 2020 we want your days to be full of love and so much more!

Happy Valentine’s day! This week we bring you 5 sustainable ideas to celebrate love! For 2020 we want your days to be full of love and so much more!

This holiday dates back to the Roman time, when it was called the Lupercalia, and survived to this day. Tradition states that Valentine’s day is to be celebrated with gifts and big gestures, by your partner’s side.


Celebrating love is so much more!

Yes, we believe that it can be much more than that. After all, love goes beyond romance and it’s not sitting on a table just for two. If society decided on the meaning of this day, that only means that society can improve and update it as well. Our proposal? A weekend to celebrate love in all of its different forms. Grab your partner, or partners, or single friends, and go have some fun together!


Enjoy being by yourself

Hope you didn’t think we would forget you! How could we? If you’re by yourself this year, embrace it! There is nothing more powerful than self love! Learning how to be by yourself and enjoying or own company is essential for a happy existence! You deserve to celebrate your own love! Make the day about all the beautiful things that make you special, and have an extra romantic date with yourself!


Remember Nature

Top it all of with the Love for Nature and for every living being that we have the pleasure to share this planet with! Yes, there is Love in everything and Love is everywhere, so let’s loose ourselves in it!


Without no further a due, here are our top 5 sustainable ideas to celebrate love


Weekend get-away reconnecting with Nature

Can you imagine a better way to start this sustainable romance? Who wouldn’t drop everything right now for two nights in the middle of the forest, or by the sea? There’s no need for a fancy Hotel, overly expensive clothes, and unnecessary material presents. All we really need is our loved ones, and the birds singing around us. The dirt in our hands and the wind on our faces, welcoming us back. Our travellingvegan class blogpost contains some ideas 🙂


couple in a lake


Theater night and vegan dinner

What can be more romantic than a home cocked dinner under some soft candle light? Use the occasion to cook some of our favorites Vegan delights, and get creative!

Theater is such a wonderful way to listen to other people’s stories. Instead of the usual movie night, why not choosing to go see a play instead? Love is all about real human interaction. There is something special about actually seeing people performing in front of us. We feel it on a deeper level.


couple on a tipi


Voluntary Work

It may not sound romantic at first. But imagine yourself and your loved ones surrounded by adorable dogs that can’t wait to be petted and pampered, even if it’s just for a day! Or the children whose day you will make brighter for working with some nice NGO to organize a Valentine’s day event with?

There are so many possibilities! You can go clean a beach and have a picnic there afterwards! Imagine how romantic it would be, to watch the sun setting on the place you just made better, with your loved ones.


heart painted on hands


Adventure Time

Are you lusting for some outdoors adrenaline? Grab your bicycle and go for a romantic and exciting ride! It’s a great way to find new beautiful places that had been close to you all along! There is nothing like a bicycle ride to make you feel like you’re walking on air.

However, if you’re feeling more adventurous what about a balloon ride? Or maybe some climbing? Who knows what you may find at the top of a beautiful rock!

Don’t forget, Nature always has your back. Regardless of what’s happening, it’s always so beautiful, so powerful, it can take our breath away. Time stops. And we understand Love.


cicling eve


SPA day

Perfect for the ones who better enjoy their adventures with a martini and lots of essential oils. Get the massage of your dreams, and enjoy that beautiful feeling of seeing your stress fading away. You will be an unstoppable love generator after that!


spa bath


Love is all we need

Truth is, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you are enjoying each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re single or on a polyamorous relationship. Love is inside of us, all. Reconnect with what truly matters and have some fun! Use this day as an excuse to go back to your younger self and dance in the middle of the street. Enjoy the love you’re feeling to the max!

Have a beautiful day,


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