4 Organizations that are changing our world
Environmental activism & sustainability
This week we want to share with you 4 organizations that are making this world a better place. It’s easy to forget the many beautiful things our world has to offer. However, the projects we are about to present, want us to remember and rejoice on them every day.
Pathways to Paris
The musicians and activists Jesse Smith and Rebecca Foon founded the Non-profit NGO, Pathways to Paris. Their goal is to help turning the Paris agreement into a reality. These beautiful people are fighting so that fossil fuels become the past and that renewable energies lighten up the present.
In order to help this change to happen as fast as possible, they organize events that reunite people from all walks of life. From politicians to poets, to experts and scientists, everyone is welcome to participate. Moreover, they believe that only by working together with people from different lines of work, will the world move forward.
We couldn’t be more thrilled about a NGO that accepts and invites different minds and perspectives to perpetuate positive change!
The Paris Agreement aims to have the world functioning 100% free from fossil fuel by 2040. In order to contribute to this goal, they started the 1000 cities campaign. With this initiative, the NGO wants to empower citizens and inspires them to pressure their governments to go greener, faster.
They also support the next project we are about to present, that will leave you even more inspired!
Little Sun
This project came about as a simple solution to bring light to Ethiopia. The goal was to create a portable solar lamp for people that didn’t had access to electricity. To respond to this challenge, the artist Olafur Eliasson and the engineer Frederik Ottesen created a Little Sun.
The project was such a success that they started donating to other countries in need. In total, they have brightened the lives of over two million people! How amazing is that?
These beautiful suns bring safety and comfort. They also allow children to study and learn for longer periods of time. And we all know that real change can only happen through Education. In truth, these lights are a symbol of hope for a better future.
Can you imagine not being able to turn the lights on for your children to do their homework? This, apparently small, gesture can be life-changing! And there are still 1.1 billion people living without electricity today! This is a number that the Little Sun project wants to reduce by giving out these clean energy lamps.
To help this amazing project reach all those lives, you can donate or even buy your own little sun here.
We’re sure you’ve already heard about Greenpeace and the fantastic work they have been doing for so many years. However, we just had to mention them and emphasize how great their impact is.
Greenpeace believes that:
“Optimism is a form of courage. We believe that a billion acts of courage can spark a brighter tomorrow”.
How inspiring is that? This organization has spread to several countries and has been turning our world into a more just place since the seventies!
They played a major part in the fight against Nuclear energy and pressured governments to protect wildlife. Here you can explore their timeline and find more about what Greenpeace had accomplished.
Credits: Chris J Ratcliffe / Greenpeace
Some of their greatest wins are:
- 1974 – France ends atmospheric tests in the South pacific
- 1993 – London Dumping Convention bans the dumping of radioactive and industrial waste on the Oceans, worldwide.
- 2003 – Largest anti-war protest in history with 30 million people protesting worldwide.
- 2006 – McDonald’s agrees to stop selling chicken fed on soya grew in newly deforested areas oft he amazon forest. This led to other major companies signing a Zero deforestation agreement.
- 2016 – The world’s largest protected marine area was created.
The latest greatest achievement was the contribution to the salvation of the Great Australian Bight. Earlier this year the Norwegian oil company Equinor announced that they would no longer drill in the Australian paradise. This would endanger not only the coral sanctuaries but also the entire Ocean life. And we must not forget that our lives depend directly on the Oceans health.
European Climate Foundation
Twelve years ago the European Climate Foundation (ECF) was created to fight climate change.
Several philanthropists came together to contribute to the betterment of the world in the most efficient way possible. What they were able to accomplish was the connection of more than 325 organizations! The ECF also believes that working with several different countries and people is vital.
One of their successful initiatives was to clean the air in Poland. In order to do it, they conveyed a study with the Institute for Sustainable Development. This brought awareness to a very important public issue: Energy poverty. What does it mean? It simply relates poor incomes with high energy costs and therefore low energy efficiency in homes.
Energy efficiency is a major step in the journey of letting fossil fuels go. Moreover, the EFC promotes public debate, so that the people can understand how life-changing this is. Not only are renewable energies cheaper but they also increase the quality of the air we breath and therefore our health.
Having the people, the government and stakeholders worried about the same issues is the only way to push change. And we need to push it as fast as we possibly can!
The results in Poland were positive but there is still a lot of work to be done!
Today we talked about 4 organizations that are making this world a better place, but there are many more! We are so thankful to the people behind these projects that devote their lives to the greater good! A green and fair world is possible, but we have to actively pursue it! If we all do the little things, they will become great. Together our impact has no limits!
Have a beautiful day,