• Join Us

    Create a free account in our store and start earning rewards! For every 1€ you spend, you'll earn 5 points. Redeem 500 points for a 5€ discount or save up 1000 points for a 10€ discount. Start earning today and enjoy exclusive savings!

  • Earn Points

    Earn points effortlessly with NAE Rewards! Choose from the options below to start collecting points:

    • Sign up for a free account
    • Follow us on Instagram
    • Subscribe to our email list
    • Place orders in our store

    Select any of the eligible activities from the list and start earning rewards today!

  • Redeem Points

    To redeem your rewards, you must have at least 500 points in your account. Once you reach this threshold, simply ensure you have at least one item in your cart during checkout to apply your points and enjoy your rewards. Start earning points today and take a step closer to unlocking exclusive benefits!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I earn points?

You can earn points by completing actions listed in rewards
tab. Just click on "Rewards" tab to see the list of activities
available for you to take part.

How can I spend my points?

Its very simple and straightforward. Just click on "Rewards" tab and you will see the list of all discounts you can redeem your points for. So you can greatly boost your savings.

How do I participate?

In order to join the program, just click "Create a store account". Once you have done it, you are welcome to participate in all actions we have prepared for you to earn points.