The Vegan apps you were waiting for
There is no doubt we are living during some exciting times! Technology is so advanced everyone can access its latest achievements. Regardless of your social status or where you live, as long as you can access the world wide web, you can learn about anything your heart desires. And is there a more beautiful power than knowledge?
Knowledge is the best tool to a Vegan. However, things can get tricky. There is so much information and so many new products, not to mention the green washing phenomenon. It can be overwhelming to try and find products that are in alignment with our beliefs and won’t be harmful to ourselves nor the planet. How can we be sure of what we’re buying?
This week we want to share something that hopefully will give your brain a well-deserved rest; the Vegan apps that will help you figure out if a product is truly Vegan, healthy, ethical and sustainable! 2020 is right around the corner, the future has now become the present and we want you to take the most advantage of it!
Let’s start with apps that will give you brilliant ideas for Vegan meals. Once you start, you won’t be able to stop, and no one around you will ever think of a Vegan Diet as restrictive and boring.
Have you heard of the documentary Forks over Knives? If you haven’t watched it yet, what are you waiting for? It’s a great piece about the correlations of health and vegan food. We learned so much from it! We couldn’t recommend it more. That’s why we have to tell you about the forks over knives app. Probably one of the best places to find the healthiest and most delicious Vegan meals!

The next app will also give you fabulous ideas and it will tell you how nutritious each recipe is! Veganized is a place that reunites recipes from many different people. You’ll find everything from really easy meals to more complex dishes. The best part? You’ll be part of a beautiful vegan community!

Is it Vegan is another great app that will let you know if your favorite products are Vegan, vegetarian or non-vegetarian. If you are looking to revolutionize your kitchen this is the place to go!

Can you imagine how much healthier you’ll get with all this digital help?
However, we don’t always want to stay at home. Who doesn’t love to go out for a meal, in a beautiful restaurant? To help you search for the best Vegan places, or at least restaurants with vegan options we have great apps for you as well!
Happy Cow is one of the most well-known apps for tracking fabulous vegan restaurants all over the world. It will not only serve you in your home town, but it will also help you while you’re traveling!

What if, besides great restaurants, you could find recipes and many other vegan products on the same app? Sounds like a dream, but it’s very real! Veond is going to sweep you off your feet with options and opportunities! And because we are one of their partners you can find our products here too!

Vegan fashion is no longer hard to find and Good on you makes sure of that! This app rates the most exciting brands and lets you know which one is best in every category. From sportswear, to evening gowns they rate it all. And the brilliant Emma Watson decided to support them and ask for their help! We can’t think of a better quality stamp.

Next step is beauty products, a whole new adventure. The hardest part is figuring out if a product is cruelty-free. If you want to make sure no animal tests were involved in the creation of your new lipstick use Bunny Free. An app that uses data from PETA to tell you if a brand is cruel or not!

Sometimes something can be vegan, but then you find out that it has palm oil or some other ingredient that isn’t doing us any good. Code Check tells you not only the ingredient list of a product, but also how dangerous those ingredients are for your health, and if the product is both Vegan and Cruelty Free. The best part is that it works on code bars from a variety of products from many different countries!

We would love to know all about your experiences with these apps. Maybe you want to recommend some other ones? Let us know in the comments down bellow!
Have a beautiful day,