What is a Capsule Wardrobe?
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We want you to know all about this revolutionary concept
We’re starting off March with a piece on what is a Capsule Wardrobe. We want you to know all about this revolutionary concept that will turn your closet into an efficient and sustainable oasis!
But, what is a Capsule Wardrobe?
A Capsule Wardrobe is a collection of clothes and accessories that all match together. Every item can be combined with any other from your closet, and you will still look amazing. You won’t waste any more time in the mornings, trying to decide your outfit!
Decision fatigue is a real thing, and fashion should only bring you energy and joy.
Can you imagine the extra time for meditation? Maybe you can even read your book and enjoy your coffee sitting down! It feels like a dream, but it’s a very possible reality.
Why is it sustainable?
This concept became a trend around people who absolutely love fashion but wanted to be more sustainable.
There is emotional sustainability and material sustainability. We rarely talk about the first, which is arguably the most important one. If we want to save the planet, and turn it into the OASIS we all deserve, we have to start by taking care of our inner forest. We have to be aligned with our beliefs, and that doesn’t mean we have to be perfect. It just means we must be brave, dive deep into ourselves and feel everything. Let yourself go through the uncomfortable and through the painful. That’s what it means to be alive. You can read more about this in our article about IKIGAI.
Actually, we are much less likely to succumb to impulse shopping when we have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with life’s ups and downs.
Imagine only owning the material things you really want and need. Certainly, you will have more time and space in your life for what gives you pure pleasure.
Declutter your way into joy
Who doesn’t love a good declutter?! Creating a capsule wardrobe doesn’t necessarily means going shopping. More often than not we already have everything we need! Take a relaxed Sunday morning to dig deep, and discover the fabulous capsule wardrobe living inside your wardrobe.
You can try Courtney Carver challenge, project 333 , 33 items in 3 months. You guessed it! Courtney challenges us to reduce our closet to 33 items of clothing, including accessories, for 3 months! It may sound too radical for you, but the reward is worth it!
Less anxiety produced by having too many things around us, more space and more time for what truly matters!
Mindful shopping
People were first attracted to this concept, because having a capsule wardrobe means that every item you purchase must be a mindful act. Not only will you be looking for the most ethical and environmentally friendly option, but this item should also match the rest of your clothes and accessories. Like Marie Kondo says, it must spark joy!

Decide your own rules
We are all different and therefore we sometimes may need different ways to get to the same place.
If you would like the idea of what a capsule wardrobe represents, you can tailor it to your wants and needs.
Some people make extra rules like setting a specific number of items they could have in their closet. So that when they have reached it, every time they buy something new, something else should be donated, upcycled, our recycled.
It can be a hard game to play at first, but our future selves will be so grateful!
Don’t forget to have fun and tell us all about your capsule wardrobe experiments!
Have a beautiful day,